Resolute actions needed to undo damage caused by the Protocol – Aiken

Resolute actions needed to undo damage caused by the Protocol – Aiken

Ulster Unionist leader, Steve Aiken OBE MLA, has stated that Government words on the NI Protocol are meaningless unless followed by resolute actions.

Mr Aiken said:

“The UK Government and the EU have an opportunity to undo the damage being done by the Protocol. The Protocol isn`t protecting the Belfast Agreement, instead it damages it. East-West aspects of the agreement have been downgraded by placing North-South on a higher footing. The Protocol is fundamentally flawed.

“While I welcome the UK Government`s change in stance, and its recognition that what Northern Ireland is experiencing is more than teething problems, mere words are meaningless. If the UK Government cannot negotiate alternative arrangements with the EU, then the UK Government is going to have to step in to protect Northern Ireland`s interests. This is what it should be doing.

“We repeatedly warned of the dangers the Protocol posed and on Monday we published our own ideas for a replacement that doesn`t damage the Union and allows for the free movement of goods into Northern Ireland.

We are asking for:

(i)    Extension of grace periods;

(ii)   A UK Government Taskforce to deal with immediate problems;

(iii) Extensive awareness campaign amongst GB supply chain;

(iv) Government legislation for equality of provision across the UK;

(v)   All islands (UK and RoI) compliance body.

“The Ulster Unionist Party is focused on finding solutions and we hope others are in the same frame of mind. If the outcome of the discussions results in kicking the can down the road, then we need to see resolute actions to fix this.

“Northern Ireland cannot afford anymore strategic errors from the DUP in their dealings with Boris Johnson`s Government. The Protocol should have been halted when it was first proposed in October 2019. The UK Government now needs to intervene to rectify its mistake.”


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