Ulster Unionist group on Ards & North Down urge Council to provide a warm welcome for Hong Kong citizens fleeing oppression

The Ulster Unionist Party group on Ards & North Down Borough Council has proposed a Notice of Motion for debate tonight (Tuesday) which will urge the Council to provide support and a warm welcome for those citizens of Hong Kong who have the right to relocate to the UK to escape the increasingly totalitarian regime which China is imposing on Hong Kong.  

Councillor Carl McClean said:

“The Ulster Unionist grouping on Ards & North Down Borough Council has proposed a Notice of Motion calling on Council to provide support and a warm welcome for those citizens of Hong Kong who have been offered passports as British Nationals Overseas (BNOs) and who wish to relocate to the UK to escape the increasingly totalitarian regime which China is imposing on Hong Kong, beginning with the imposition of the National Security Law last year, in breach of its commitments under international law.

“There is no doubt that people will seek to come to the UK and we believe that Ards & North Down should be prepared to offer some of them a welcoming home, and explore how we might do that in conjunction with the relevant Stormont departments. .

“On the back of protests in 2019 over a tyrannical extradition law, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) introduced a Security law so strict that it criminalises any criticism of the PRC’s annexation of Hong Kong anywhere in the world, with a punishment of life in jail. In the wake of this the UK has said BNOs – up to 5.4m Hong Kong residents - will be offered the chance to settle in the UK and ultimately apply for citizenship. Almost 5,000 Hongkongers have already applied for the UK’s visa route in the first fortnight the scheme opened. The government has said it expects about 300,000 people to use the scheme in its first five years, adding a number the size of Coventry to the country’s population. 

Ulster Unionist Group Leader Councillor Philip Smith said:

“Of course Greater London will be the natural focus for immigration, but tonight’s Notice of Motion is our way of trying to ensure that we in Ards & North Down are prepared, as partners in a larger network, to plan now for the necessary resources and welcome to Hongkongers. These people are British Nationals Overseas, and yesterday was Commonwealth Day. There could be no more appropriate time to extend the hand of welcome and friendship and demonstrate that Northern Ireland is a serious, outward-looking, compassionate and fully-engaged participant in our Country and Commonwealth.”  

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