Disappointing response from EU Commission Vice President at TEO Committee – Stewart

John Stewart MLA, Deputy Chair of the NI Assembly Executive Office Committee, has stated that EU failure to recognise the damage being caused to the Belfast Agreement will lead to continued instability.

Mr Stewart said:

“I was very disappointed by the responses from Maroš Šefčovič to my questions at Monday`s meeting of the Executive Office Committee. Whilst he was listening, there was no evidence that he was hearing or understanding the concerns being expressed by every aspect of political and civic unionism.

“Regrettably it was the same regurgitated arguments of the past and a rehash of the same lines. The current pathway does anything but protect the Belfast Agreement. Unless the EU recognises the democratic deficit created by the Protocol, the harm it causes to the Belfast Agreement and the difficulties it creates, then there will be continued instability.

“There needs to be a greater sense of urgency.”

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