Dobson urges DSD Minister to expedite transfer of properties from Housing Executive to Housing Associations

Ulster Unionist MLA Jo-Anne Dobson has urged the DSD Minister to expedite the possibilities of allowing Housing Associations to acquire properties from the Housing Executive where there is local demand.

The Upper Bann representative said:

“At Question Time in Stormont I asked the Social Development Minister to outline the capital value of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and to clarify whether or not debt transferred with the property when Housing Executive properties are transferred to Housing Associations.

I noted the Minister’s response that NIHE’S housing stock, which is approximately 90,000 units, has a value of £3·4 billion; the land it holds has a value of £72·3 million; and other assets stand at a value of £68·8 million.

I was most interested in his response that the transfer of properties to housing associations is something that his department is taking forward, but that to date there has only been one such instance in Londonderry.

I would strongly encourage the Minister and his Department to expedite discussions with the Housing Executive so that more properties can be voluntarily transferred to Housing Associations with the agreement of the tenants. This is something which can be of great benefit to local people as Housing Associations should be more responsive to local needs and, unlike the Housing Executive, are able to borrow.”

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