Ulster Unionists call for clarity over landowners rights when defending their property

The Ulster Unionist Party has called for more clarity over what rights landowners have when defending their properties from intruders. 

Speaking ahead of a debate on agri-crime, Ulster Unionist Justice spokesperson, Tom Elliott said:

''Over the past three years the cost of agri-crime in Northern Ireland has cost our farmers around £11million.  Given the increasing levels, the chance to debate the issue in the Assembly is timely. The main targets for theft have been animals, lead and metals, machinery and, most commonly, diesel and oil and this is putting a growing pressure on our farmers.’'

“The Ulster Unionist Party would like to see a more joined up approach between the PSNI, District Policing Partnership and organisations like the Ulster Farmers Union to help tackle agri-crime. It is also important that community policing is visible in rural areas. Seeing regular police patrols and being able to build up positive relationships with local police officers will boost public confidence in rural areas and deter potential criminal activity. We would call on the Justice Minister to pay particular attention to sentences for agri-crime as he considers the introduction of a sentencing guidelines mechanism in Northern Ireland.’'

“We will also be seeking clarity from the Justice Minister during the debate over the issue of landowners rights when defending their property.  This has been a cause for much confusion with the public and my Party and I believe that the law needs to be made clearer. Indeed, we would hope that the forthcoming Justice Bill will strengthen the rights of all homeowners in defending their property.

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