Elliott questions sharp rise in amount of compensation being paid out to prison inmates

Following news that a prisoner in Maghaberry Prison received compensation for sunburn after he took part in a rooftop protest, Ulster Unionist Justice spokesperson Tom Elliott MLA has hit out at the rising amount of compensation being paid out to inmates in Northern Ireland.

“I am deeply concerned to learn that the level of compensation being paid out to prison inmates in Northern Ireland has risen so sharply over the last number of years.  In 2010/2011 £102,738 was paid out in compensation, this is almost double the amount of many of the years previous.’

“It is clear to me that the process by which compensation to prisoners is awarded needs to be reviewed.  Given that public confidence will have taken a blow after the recent headlines involving compensation to prisoners, it is important that the process is as transparent and efficient as possible.’

"Prisoners are in prison as punishment for their wrong doing, there should be a process that ensures they cannot claim compensation for issues of a trivial matter.

"Most victims of crime will be astonished that prisoners can claim this level of compensation while they, the victim, are practically abandoned by the judicial system."

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