Ulster Unionists tell Justice Minister - change the law on sentencing for murderers of Police Officers or we will.

Ulster Unionist MLA Ross Hussey has told the Justice Minister to bring forward legislation to change the law to ensure that the sentence for murdering a Police officer in Northern Ireland is brought into line with that for the rest of the United Kingdom, or else the Ulster Unionists will do it themselves.

The West Tyrone MLA, who represents his Party on the Policing Board, said:

“On Tuesday I said that all right-thinking people in Northern Ireland would share the disgust of Kate Carroll at the 14 year sentence received by one of the murderers of her husband, Constable Stephen Carroll. 

The Ulster Unionist Party is clear that the legislation and guidelines in in Northern Ireland needs to be brought into line with Great Britain to ensure that Police Officers in Northern Ireland receive the same level of protection that their counterparts in the rest of the United Kingdom.

Today’s comments from the Lord Justice Sir Paul Girvan, the Judge in the case of the murder of Stephen Carroll, that he had to act within the existing sentencing guidelines and that would support any move to reconsider them because of the need for a greater deterrent in crimes like the terrorist murder of a police officer are to be warmly welcomed. .

The Ulster Unionist Party fully supports Lord Justice Girvan’s assertion that the guidelines needed "to properly take into account the argument that there is a heightened need for deterrence and retribution in the fixing of tariffs, at least in relation to certain categories of murder including, in particular, the terrorist murder of a police officer.

We have had enough words of condemnation. With Policing & Justice powers devolved to the Assembly, it is incumbent upon local politicians to act. I am therefore calling upon the Justice Minister to bring forward legislation to the Assembly to address this issue. If he doesn’t want to do it, then the Ulster Unionist Party will.”

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