Ulster Unionist MLA Michael McGimpsey has responded to claims by the current Health Minister Edwin Poots that in deciding which emergency services should stay open, he would not be “making the same mistake as was made over the closure of the Mid-Ulster and Whiteabbey Hospitals”
The South Belfast Assemblyman and former Health Minister said:
“Mr Poots well knows that the Accident & Emergency departments at both the Mid-Ulster and Whiteabbey Hospitals were closed because senior professional medical advice said that the service was unsafe and patient safety could not be guaranteed.
This is the same Edwin Poots who closed the Accident & Emergency Unit at the City Hospital and created chaos at the Royal Victoria as a result, in spite of one of the mildest winters in recent times. Mr Poots’ decision resulted in an unprecedented level of trolley waits and hundreds and hundreds of patients breaching the four hour waiting time target.
There can be no confidence in assurances given by Edwin Poots.”