Kinahan tackles Junior Minister Anderson over Commitment to Single Education System
May 30, 2012
Ulster Unionist Education spokesperson, Danny Kinahan, questioned the commitment of the Office of the First and deputy First Minister in working towards a single education system for Northern Ireland during question time.
The OFMdFM committee member said:
‘I took the opportunity during Question Time this afternoon to ask the First and deputy First Minister if they were committed to working towards a single education system in Northern Ireland. I was disappointed with the response I received from the Sinn Fein Junior Minister Martina Anderson who, during her last contribution to the Assembly before she assumes her new MEP role, used the time to distance her Party from a single education system. It was also clear that her Party policy leans heavily towards maintained and Irish Language schools at the expense of all others.’
‘Junior Minister Anderson did repeat the commitments contained within the Programme for Government 2011-15 for increased opportunities for shared education programmes and shared facilities between schools. However, whilst these commitment of course have merit, it is the view of the Ulster Unionist Party that they should be stepping stones towards the creation an education system where children from all backgrounds can learn together on a daily basis. Given that Peter Robinson knows full well that he cannot act without the support of Martin McGuiness and Sinn Fein, it is regrettable that the commitment towards a single education is not sincere from either the DUP or Sinn Fein.’