Speaking in light of this week’s Learning Network Co-ordination events, hosted by Department of Employment and Learning, the Northern Ireland European Social Fund’s (ESF) Managing Authority, After attending Tuesday’s event, Ulster Unionist party representative Councillor Colin McCusker said,
“I was delighted to attend Tuesday’s Exhibition on behalf of my party colleague Jim Nicholson MEP, showcasing Northern Ireland’s local ESF Projects which highlighted a very interesting and exciting range of project activity throughout the province. It’s excellent to see that, having been asked by the Commission to host the event, Northern Ireland has been recognised for its engagement with Europe.
“By collaborating and engaging with the European Commission and other EU Institutions Northern Ireland has the opportunity to share their experiences across borders, whether national, regional or organisational, and as an effective way to access new ideas, innovative approaches and new skills to share best practice. These ‘Learning Networks’ are an invaluable asset to Northern Ireland and I warmly welcome our commitment to maintain them.”