Nesbitt looks forward to Royal Visit and Stormont Jubilee Party

Ulster Unionist Leader Mike Nesbitt has welcomed the news that the Queen is to visit Northern Ireland later this month and that 10,000 people will gather in the Stormont Estate to celebrate the Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee.     

 Mr Nesbitt said:

 “Since the Queen’s visit to Northern Ireland was announced there has been a palpable air of excitement and anticipation.

The wonderful Jubilee celebrations in London were enjoyed by many hundreds of thousands of people here and the people of Northern Ireland look forward to welcoming Her Majesty to the Province in this her Diamond Jubilee year. 

As events in London showed, the Queen is a unifying and inclusive force who appeals to all creeds, colours and classes in her role as Head of the Commonwealth.

I really do not wish to dwell on the side show as to whether or not Martin McGuinness will meet the Queen, except to say this.

Respect is a two way street. Given the Queen’s actions in Dublin last year, when Her Majesty, who lost a close relative in Lord Moutbatten to IRA terrorism, showed great courage and a willingness to move forward, any refusal to meet the Queen would be petty and churlish.

Sinn Fein have long lectured everyone else about respect and inclusivity. A failure to meet Her Majesty would be a calculated insult to the Unionist community.

Sinn Fein got it wrong last year when they refused to meet Her Majesty in the Republic, and they are in danger of getting it wrong again. They should stop digging and admit their mistake.”

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