Overend demands answers from Ulster Bank senior management

The Ulster Unionist Party’s Economy spokesperson Sandra Overend MLA has vowed to demand answers from Ulster Bank senior managers at Thursday’s Enterprise, Trade & Investment committee meeting at Stormont.

The Mid Ulster MLA said:

“The situation at the Ulster Bank has been on-going for over a fortnight now since the 19th June and we still have no real idea of what exactly has gone wrong and how long it will take to fix it.

This is completely unacceptable and I intend to make this clear to Ulster Bank senior management when they appear in from of the Enterprise, Trade & Investment committee on Thursday morning.

Customers are tearing their hair out in frustration. Businesses cannot pay their bills or receive payments. People are having difficulty accessing their wages and people on benefits cannot get access to their money. People abroad have been left without access to funds.

If the problems affecting the Ulster Bank are the same problems as those that affected RBS and Nat West then I want to know how those two Banks with their millions of customers can solve a problem that Ulster Bank with 100,000 customers cannot.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of the situation, Ulster Bank and RBS seem incapable of providing clear and accurate information. People just want to know when this will be resolved and they can have access to their money. That is the very least they can expect.”


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