News Articles

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Image for news article McGimpsey disappointed at Foster&rsquo;s complacency

McGimpsey disappointed at Foster’s complacency

Ulster Unionist MLA Michael McGimpsey has expressed his disappointment at the complacent attitude of the DETI Minister Arlene Foster at Question Time at Stormont. The South Belfast representative said: “I have to express my disappointment at the...

Image for news article Nesbitt calls for an Assembly term of delivery

Nesbitt calls for an Assembly term of delivery

Ulster Unionist Leader Mike Nesbitt has called for the new Assembly term to begin with an update from Ministers on the agreements across a range of areas as outlined by the First and deputy First...

Image for news article Swann praises Northern Ireland International Airshow

Swann praises Northern Ireland International Airshow

Ulster Unionist Culture, Arts & Leisure spokesperson Robin Swann has praised the organisers of the Northern Ireland International Airshow which took place on the North Coast this weekend.The North Antrim MLA said:“This weekend tens of thousands of...

Image for news article Swann hails local Paralympians

Swann hails local Paralympians

Ulster Unionist Culture, Arts & Leisure spokesperson Robin Swann MLA has hailed the success of Northern Ireland athletes at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.Mr Swann said:“The Paralympic Games which draw to a close today have been a tremendous...

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